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Summer Reads

Union Baptist Summer 2022 reading ideas

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The Air We Breathe by Glen Scrivener (2022) (230 pages)


8 big ideas which we all believe in, including freedom, kindness, science, progress and equality. But where do these ideas come from? In a very readable, engaging and clear way he shows us how the world supports and promotes these values which are all ‘fruits’ of Christianity’s ‘roots’ – they come from distinctly Christian foundations, against the odds at times, clashing with various other cultures.


It’s fascinating, very relevant, not argumentative and so helpful in an anxious, sometimes angry and increasingly divisive world. Christianity offers the world a hopeful, peaceful, secure and good way to live, and this

book might help bring reassurance to some, gentle challenge to others and begin some good conversations.

The Great Divorce by C  S Lewis


This is a short novel, an allegory, and a classic. It describes a group of tourists from Hell on a visit to Heaven! Written in 1945, when the horrors of war had seemingly threatened all of civilisation, the reality of eternity and final destiny, of justice and hope, are themes in the

background of this fantasy tale. A fascinating thought-provoking story, sometimes sobering but has also has some gems of ideas as we reflect on the Bible’s depiction of heaven & hell. (146) pages

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The Screwtape Letters (1942) C S Lewis


This book gives us an insight into spiritual warfare behind the scenes of ordinary Christian life, through a series of letters from a senior devil (Uncle Screwtape) written to his nephew, a trainee devil, as they seek to undermine the church, discourage faith distract from following God (‘the Enemy’). A satirical novel, amusing, clever and insightful. (220 pages)



None Like Him, 10 ways God is different from us by Jen Wilkin (2016)


The blurb says: ‘God is self-existent, self-sufficient, eternal, immutable, omnipresent, omniscient..... We're not. And that's a good thing. Our limitations are by design.. But at the root of every sin is our rebellious desire to possess attributes that belong to God alone. Jen Wilkin invites us to celebrate the freedom that comes when we rest in letting God be God.’

Accessible and quite short (158 pages), an easy read but though-provoking. She shares some of her own story as a young American Christian woman, wife and mum and connects with the Bible in practical ways on how we

think about what God is like and what this means in our daily lives

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And some other ideas if none of the above appeal to you:


  • 7 Myths About Singleness, by Sam Allberry – superb book about handling and valuing friendships, relationships, intimacy and sexuality.


  • Here Are Your Gods!, by Christopher Wright – if you fancy a book of theology looking at modern politics and the idols of our age, here you go.


  • Confronting Christianity, 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion, by Rebecca McLaughlin – a brilliant apologetics resource, so very clear and compelling, has won several awards and deservingly so.

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