and Generosity
Why we give
We believe giving is a part of our worship to God and that He has called us to be generous with our time, talents and money.
By doing this we are able to support the church and its work in the local community and abroad to make a positive difference.
Giving financially, regularly and sacrificially allows us to support our developed and emerging ministries, and enables Union Baptist Church to fulfil its vision
'To see High Wycombe transformed by God through His loving, serving and worshipping church.'
We ask all those who call Union their 'home' to prayerfully consider the amount that they give.
To find out more about the communities, home and abroad, we support as a church please click the link below
You can set up a regular standing order or give a one-off payment using our account details - please contact our church office via the following email address to receive them :
When setting up the standing order or one-off payment, please add a reference of your surname followed by your initials eg Reference: Bloggs J L
If you are a UK tax payer, please complete our gift aid form (this allows us to reclaim the gift aid on your donation, at no cost to you - see below).
If you wish to give via a cheque please make it payable to Union Baptist Church
If you would like to find out more about giving to the work of Union Baptist Church please contact us.

If you are a UK taxpayer, we are able to reclaim the tax element of your donations from HMRC. This represents a significant income for the church and is a simple sign-up process using our Gift Aid Declaration form. Simply return the form to the church office via lynn@unionbaptist.org.uk or post it to the church address.
Legacies and Stewardship
The church has been blessed by members who have left legacies in their wills. You may like to consider making a provision in your will. Some members find the use of Stewardship accounts can help them to organise all their charitable giving. Further information on stewardship can been found here
Financial care in the church
Union Baptist Church is registered with the Charity Commissioners as a charity - Charity No 1130582 and is therefore subject to the laws governing charities. There is a team of trustees who oversee the financial affairs of the church.